Guide Index

Here is a list of all the topics available in the New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star Guide:


Apartment - Furniture Items

Awards Guide





Box Art


Brand Representatives

Cake Shop



Demo Overview

Differences Between Style Boutique 2: Fashion Forward & Style Boutique 3: Styling Star

Design Centre

Designer Items



Hairstyle Guide



Lifestyle Shop

Make-Up Sets


Menswear Shop




New Years Day

Purple Moon


Streetflow - Where Has It Gone?

Tips For Making Money

Valentine's Day


Watches & Bracelets

Pre-release Guides

Boutique - Serving Customers Screenshots

Confirmed Brands

Game Details Revealed 

Japanese Launch Trailer

Japanese Gameplay Trailer 

New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star Announced

Style Savvy: Styling Star Announced

Style Savvy: Styling Star Released


  1. You ought to make a guide for the awards available in the game. That way, players can have a better idea of what to do to win them.

    1. There will be a guide on awards in the game sometime in the future. It can take some time to earn them all :) I've almost got all of them, just missing 5

    2. Which five awards are you missing?

    3. Some of the ? mark ones and the $1 million award. I think I'm pretty close to getting most of them though.

    4. Marzi, someone has posted an award guide on GameFAQs. Here's the link:

    5. Yes I was aware of the awards I was missing. Just taking a little while to get them myself :)

  2. do you know when you unlock the costume brand I havent gotten yet and I've unlocked all the others except the chic purse one

    1. Niamh will visit the shop and ask you about a brand to open. Purple Moon will be one of the last options along with the chic purse one which is ARIANNA.

  3. Hello!

    Sorry for the strange question here! I'm new to New Style Boutique and I'm really keen on getting the most recent game, but I've noticed that it's cheaper than NSB2? I was wondering if I'm missing anything major from the previous game, if there are any big changes.

    Thanks so much!

    1. Hi! Welcome to Style Boutique! Yes the new game is cheaper than the previous one, it's at least $10 cheaper where I live.

      There are differences between the two games. Both have different story lines, Styling Star focuses on the idol story line whilst Fashion Forward has a simple story line about meeting lots of different characters. Honestly I prefer Fashion Forward as it has more content to play with. You can design rooms at the Caprice Chalet, take part in fashion shows and work as a model. I found with the new game you only really play through the main story line and work at shops. But you only get payed to work at one unlike in Fashion Forward where you got payed at all of them. Styling Star is a fun game though, just unfortunatly a lot of features I liked from the previous one were removed.

      I'd recommend check out my other blog which focuses on Style Boutique 2 and read through the content to see if it seems like fun to you. You can see posts about the new game here and on my personal blog (you can find a link to that by visiting my profile via my name). Both games are fun and in the end it's up to what you are after in a game :)

    2. Thank you for replying!

      This is such a great response, and your blog has been so helpful to me! I'll be sure to check out the other blogs too, but at this point, they might convince me to end up getting both games anyway :P

      Again, thanks for making these blogs! It's surprisingly hard to find information about these games, so I'll be sure to always turn to you for the best references!

    3. Getting both games would be the best option as you get to experience both! Thank you for visiting my blogs. Yes it is hard to find information and that's the main reason why I made these blogs was to help others :)

  4. How do I unlock more clothing patterns for designing my own clothes?

    1. The patterns are quite limited and there is no option to unlock more patterns. The only thing that adds more patterns is to scan amiibos into your game but those designs can only be used on the amiibo design items. You do unlock stage costumes near the end of the main story line.

  5. Hi! I'm pretty far into the main storyline (Yolanda just sang with Angelique on TV, to give you an idea of where I am). My problem is with the menswear shop. I started the quest a few weeks ago when I was much earlier in the main storyline and got as far as the first time helping Xiaobai pick an outfit for a guy after he and his girlfriend came to my boutique, but my DS died and I lost my progress. The next time I played, the shop was still there and Xiaobai visited maybe one time but the quest never progressed further and when I enter the shop it's always empty. I've restarted the game and everything and the main story continues, but the menswear shop and Xiaobai never came up again. Any ideas for what to do?

    1. I believe the Menswear Shop still appears empty as you haven't served enough male customers. You need to direct them there from your boutique. So try working at the boutique and talk to couples that appear. Hopefully they appear for you and then you direct the guy over to the Menswear Shop. You need to serve about 3 male customers there before it fully becomes available all the time.

      Hope it all works out for you :)

  6. I have bought some full outfits from the design center, But most of them only seem to come with the dresses, I spent lots of money thinking I was getting the full outfit only to get the dress. Am I the only one having this problem or are others having the same problem?

    1. Are you looking under the Items Brought tab in the Design Scrapbook. All items you've downloaded should appear here and if you brought an entire outfit, the items should appear in a line next to each other. If you want to access the items from the wardrobe item, they appear under the tab they belong too (i.e. shoes, bag, etc).

      It seems in the design centre, items can be listed as an entire outfit and as separate items. If you purchase the entire outfit option, they should all appear in the items brought tab of the design scrapbook. I checked my game and all my items downloaded as an entire outfit appeared.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I checked and only the dresses appear, I also bought some items from the same seller but only got one or two of the items I bought and when I go to buy the items again, it says I bought them even though they don't appear in my inventory. I am so confused, am I really the only one having this problem. It usually happens whenever I try to buy the idol style outfit items.

    4. Oh no that's no good. It seems you've definitely downloaded the items and the game just doesn't want to recognise them :( Maybe you could try downloading just those single items from the seller, i.e. just the shoes or whatever other item you are missing. Maybe those particular items are just bugged, there seems to be some issues with the online content.

  7. Maybe I haven't gotten far enough along (Yolanda's mother has just started supporting her for me) but when do all the hairstyles unlock? There are ones that I've seen on characters that aren't yet available for me to give to customers at the hair salon.

    1. Once you complete the main story line of the game, all the hairstyles will be available. For example, the hairstyles of Angelique, Yolanda and other main characters don't unlock until the end of the game.

  8. can i restyle rosie's hair more than once during the main story?

    1. The times when you can restyle her hair will come up as an option when you can alter her stage outfit. If you have enough hearts with her on the customer contact card, you can invite her to the Hair Salon to give her a new style.

  9. can you set up a page on the lifestyle shop? i cant seem to figure it out lol

    1. Yes I can, I'll try to get one up in the next few days :)

  10. hey can u list all of the songs in the game on both sides i recently restarted the game and would like to make sure im getting all the songs for when i switch my decison thanks

    1. All songs will become available once you complete the story line. For example when I first finished the game, all the songs I didn't see during the play through unlocked in Mewtube. I will make up a list soon though.

  11. is there actually a way to give lorelei new make up/nails and give cece new hair? or is that locked for good? (they each have about 1/2 pink hearts) ;w;

    1. You cannot give these characters new looks as they run those shops. It was the same in Fashion Forward. So you cannot give new hair to Cece who runs the hair salon or new make-up to Lorelei who runs the beautician because that is their selected jobs.

  12. hello! does new game+ remove photos youve taken? and does it clear out your contacts?
    also! can you make a page on purple moon's amiibo items? (like the princess crown and kirby bag)

    sorry if this doesnt make much sense ;u;

    1. It shouldn't remove teh photos you've taken because they are saved to the SD card. If it's anything like the demo where your photos weren't deleted (and still stored on the SD Card), then they should stay.

      Not sure about what happens with the contacts sorry.

      Yes I will do a guide on the amiibo items from Purple Moon.

    2. I've done a new game+, and it seems that you have to fill your contacts page up again from the beginning. If you previously served a customer in the main game, their hearts will be empty and their cards will address them as new customers, but their pictures will remain(in the outfits you had previously sold them).

    3. Thanks for this helpful info! Sounds like such as pain to get all the customers contacts again, I've got so many! Plus having to refill hearts would take ages. I'm almost on another colour with some.

  13. hi !!! idk how much sense this will make but on the title screen when i click ‘other’ i have the options for ‘select currency,’ ‘delete save data,’ ‘spotpass,’ ‘change appearance,’ ‘choose assistant,’ and ‘new game+’ (probably just made that a lot more complicated than it needed to be lol) but there’s a missing option on the top left corner. do you know if that’s something i haven’t unlocked or just something that got overlooked in the development of the game? i’ve played the storyline twice so i don’t know what i wouldn’t have unlocked yet. sorry if this made like no sense idek how else to explain it haha

    i love looking through your blog by the way! so glad to see people loving this series as much as i have since the original game on the ds haha. this game really has a special place in my heart lol. thanks for all you do to help! and thank you if you’re able to get back to me on my question. <3

    1. When I go on the Other screen in my game, I have the same option. I don't believe there is one missing, the spacing seems more like a design flaw by the developers. Maybe there was an extra one they were planning to add but never did or maybe they just didn't all fit so they look uneven. I know Select Currency is a different icon in the corner in Fashion Forward, so maybe they thought they would just pop in in the corner again.

      Thank you for visiting my blog! I post a lot more Style Boutique stuff on my personal blog if you want to see more content :)

  14. If and when can I re customize my character? I like how she looks right now, but I may want to change it in the future.

    1. Once you finish the main story line, the option to change your appearance will unlock from the options menu which appears when you first start the game up. From there, you can change aspects such as eyes, height and other features of your character.

  15. I just got to Christmas in my game but nothing much happened except for the brand reps saying 'Merry Christmas'. Every other NPC just acted like it was a normal day (kinda hurt my soul). Just curious but did anything happen to you during Christmas?

    1. I'll be posting a Christmas Guide in December but I can safely tell you that it's exactly what happened to you. Just the messages from the brand reps and that's it. Quite similar to what I've listed in the Halloween guide, just Christmas messages instead of Halloween. The only other Christmas stuff in the game are the miniatures, Purple Moon outfits and Christmas themed nails.

      The holidays are quite boring in Styling Star, no where near as good as Fashion Forward.

    2. That's a big drawback in this game. It tends to focus more on the main storyline meaning the stuff you can do post-game haven't really been through much thought.

    3. Agreed! There isn't much to do past the main story line and no challenges like the old fashion shows. I haven't played much of the game besides making outfits and taking photos recently.

  16. are there any other holiday related items besides Halloween like for Christmas?

    1. Christmas is pretty much like Halloween with only Christmas themed miniatures, Purple Moon outfits and nails. Then Easter has some easter themed nails as well. Holidays are pretty boring in Styling Star.

  17. I haven't played since Trendsetters & was wondering if you had a preference between: Star Stylist and Fashion Forward? I'd like to buy one, but not sure which is worth it!

    1. Both games have pros and cons. Personally I think Fashion Forward is worth it in the long run as it has more re-playability and is more challenging. Styling Star is rather empty once you complete the main story line, I barely play it anymore because I only get the same customers and there is no challenges to do anymore. Apart from the online features like Shopdo and Design Centre, there isn't much to do besides create outfits. But with Fashion Forward, you can keep doing fashion shows and meeting NPC's around town. I post a lot of content from both games on my personal blog if you want to check out what kind of things you can do in the games and which one looks more appealing to you.

  18. Hi! I love to look at your blogs whenever I'm confused, and I have a question. You haven't covered this so I don't know if it's not that important, but that's fine. What is the point of the hearts? I just got to gold stage with Cleo, and am wondering if something special happens.
    Ps. I love it whenever I see characters that have been through the games, it makes me nostalgic, haha. I miss Az-usa the character though, I always liked her for some reason :)

  19. Hello, i love to look at your blogs
    I would like to share some images or my drawings with you on my blogger

  20. Does any body have the Halloween purple moon outfits, and any summer tops,(I'm in winter) *NA*

  21. BTW are you excited for the Fashion Dreamer release?

    1. Yes I am very excited! I have a pre-order to collect day of release!

    2. Will you be making guides for Fashion Dreamer?

    3. I don't think there's much content to make a guide as big as needed for Fashion Forward. When things unlock would be helpful.

    4. Not currently planning on making guides for Fashion Dreamer mainly due to time commitments. Plus there isn't much to the game that would need guides. I do post Fashion Dreamer content on my main blog Marzipan Wonderland!
