Wednesday 3 January 2018

Boutique - Angelique Black Dinner Outfit Request

In Style Boutique 3, there is a request that will appear at the Boutique/Shop from Angelique once you have finished the main story line. Angelique will inform you that she is having dinner with the girls soon and requests you pick out a black outfit for her to wear. It seems she can be quite fussy with this request and will often reject the outfit if you do not pick the perfect items.

Angelique is after an outfit that is perfect for dinner so that means something casual yet gives off the appearance of looking fancy. She will most likely reject outfits if you pick random items that are the colour black and are a mixture of multiple styles. She will tell you that she isn't impressed with the outfit. Angelique will not accept outfits from styles such as feminine, girly and basic. I found she will reject most chic outfits even though that is her main style, but this may be due to the items not matching. The items she rejected for me were ones like dresses, skirts, jackets and inners/tops. Other players may have more success finding outfits that match with the chic theme.

Angelique rejects a basic outfit in the colour black.

Angelique is a fan of bold outfits and there is a perfect bold outfit you can give her to pass this request. Please note this is not the only outfit that works and you may find an outfit yourself that she will accept. The outfit is made up of items that fall under the Bold theme and the colour black. All items in the outfit are from AZ-USA and the items used are as follows:

  • Love Logo Biker Jacket
  • Pinstripe Jumpsuit
  • Diamante Earrings
  • Zip Ankle Boots
  • Chain Link Strap Bag
  • Patterned Watch

Angelique will be pleased with this outfit and tell you how much she loves it. The sunglasses she is wearing in the photos below were ones she already had on. I found if you removed them when choosing an outfit, she would reject it. She may accept black sunglasses from AZ-USA with the outfit.

She will invite you to join her later on and would like to go dancing. She requests you meet her at the Cafe when you are ready. You do not need to head there straight away and can continue working at the Boutique if you wish.

Here are some close up pictures of the outfit. You can use the contacts app and check Angelique's card to see information on all the items she has purchased at the boutique in the past. You can check the purchase history of all boutique customers using the contacts app.


  1. That weird because when I gave her the black outfits she was impressed with it but it was bold and Chic

    1. And also she didn't wear the glasses as well

    2. Angelique for some reason just really likes wearing sunglasses in my game haha. She asked for them ages ago as a request and now I can't get her to take them off.

      I had no luck with Chic outfits, you must've found the items she liked from the style. Good job! I couldn't get her to accept any chic black items from Enid Chen or any other brands. This guide was just a basic guide on how to pick a certain outfit that works. I hope other people find ones that work also :)

    3. It's funny how NPCs will develop specific preferences, but only in certain people's games. Makes things more interesting, I suppose.

    4. Angelique does like Chic mainly, but she just wouldn't accept any chic items for some reason. Luckily her other style was bold which at first she rejected, but then accepted this outfit. She is very picky with her tastes I guess.

  2. What is your favourite and hated song from style boutique styling star and tell me why mine make me Glow because of the beat and beak it down because at the beginning it sounds like Amy has fallen off the stage for t. Some reason the hated one is Maria and beautiful because one is Catchy and other one is back ground music is annoying let me know

    1. I'm actually not a fan of any of the songs. When I play games, I listen to movies or streams so I play with the sound off. The repetitive music in the games drives me nuts as I play for longer than 30 mins usually.

  3. I didn't have any issue selecting Angelique's outfit for the night. although she did comment it wasn't black enough but she 'loved' it anyways. the first time i did it, i selected a chic outfit which she immediately said it wasn't her. I guess her true style is BOLD.

    anyways, do you have any idea who angelique's boyfriend is??? is it ever revealed to you?

    1. She seems to love bold yet wears items from Enid Chen which is chic. I think they suit her more than AZ-USA :)

      When you go to dinner with the girls, it is discussed but not revealed at that moment.

    2. I'm assuming you're probably farther in the game than I am. I just finished the scene where Rosie visits with her siblings and I put it down... I suppose if it's not revealed to you yet, then it will probably be awhile before (if ever) it's revealed to me.

    3. I'm assuming you're probably farther in the game than I am. I just finished the scene where Rosie visits with her siblings and I put it down... I suppose if it's not revealed to you yet, then it will probably be awhile before (if ever) it's revealed to me.

    4. Yes I've had Rosie visit with her siblings. I haven't heard anything else mentioned about Angeliques boyfriend, I guess maybe it's just a super secret

  4. would it be possible for someone to put one of the outfits she'll accept in their shop for people to buy?

    1. People may have similar items in their Shopdo boutique. Try visiting a few random ones and see if any pieces seem good. Most people display other styles though and you might not find bold or chic ones. Your best option is to just get items at the Exhibition Hall as you can buy pieces straight from AZ-USA and Enid Chen.

    2. unfortunately I haven't managed to catch most of the items in stock... why I asked :/ Price isn't the problem--but I have had awful luck with things and I never bought many black items

    3. Yes, it's hard buying things sometimes, you buy the items you like and totally forget to get ones the actual game wants for requests. Keep an eye out at the Exhibition Hall for items similar to the outfit shown above.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. this was the outfit I gave her that works (Search terms used: Bold, Black):

    Sassy Lace Camisole (AZ-USA)
    Striped Long Shirt (AZ-USA)
    Bodycon Pencil Skirt (AZ-USA)
    Snake Print Boots (Enid Chen)
    Butterfly Earrings (AZ-USA)
    Strap Detail Handbag (AZ-USA)

    1. Sounds like a great outfit :)

    2. What worked for me :
      Two-tone Sheath Dress (AZ USA)
      Luxe Bandeau (ENID CHEN)
      Lace Wedge Sandals (ENID CHEN)
      Long Beaded Necklace (Chorale)
      Luxury Sachet (ARIANNA)

      *I removed her sunglasses from previous outfit

  7. I think it's ironic how she (almost) never accepts a chic outfit in this situation even though it says it's her favourite style on her contact card. First I gave her a black, chic outfit; got rejected. Then I gave her a bold, black outfit and then- lo and behold- she accepted it. I don't understand why she's so picky with this request. Or it could just be me.

    and i still wonder who her boyfriend is

    1. This is exactly what happened to me! I tried giving her a chic outfit a few times but she just wouldn't accept it.

  8. Oh, thank goodness you made a post about this outfit. I just experienced my fifth(sixth?) rejection. Thank you!

    1. No problem! It was a bit of a pain this one, so I thought it was worth a guide.

  9. HELP! I gave her these exact items and she's rejecting them!

    1. Really, that's no good :( Maybe try a different colour combination of the items. People suggested other possible outfits in the comments you could try as well.
