Wednesday 31 January 2018

January Poll Results - Favourite Idol Character

January has come and gone so fast and so has another poll for the Style Boutique 3 blog! The question for January was 'Who is your favourite Idol character?' and there was 135 votes this month.

So the results are in on who the players love out of the Idol characters in Style Boutique 3. The results are:
1st = Rosie
2nd = Alina/Alinatron
3rd = Yolanda/Lady Moon
4th = Angelique

This poll was an extremely close one with Rosie taking out the top spot with 32% (44 votes) of the votes and Alina/Alinatron coming a close second with 31% (42 votes) of the votes. Yolanda/Lady Moon had 28% (38 votes) and Angelique had 8% (11 votes). I was surprised that Angelique was last as I've noticed she's a favourite of quite a few players on platforms such as Instagram.

The votes are in and Rosie is the top Idol!

The new poll for February is 'Who is your favourite male character in Style Boutique 3?' To vote, simply scroll down the side bar and the poll is under the game box images. If you cannot view the poll, please visit the blog using the web version. The blog is not available in mobile view on some devices. If you are on a mobile, select 'View web version' at the bottom of the page.


  1. So in new style boutique styling star I started the game as normal and then I meet Rosie Alina and Yolanda then Roise only came once or twice same with Camila and after that I finish Yolanda and Alina story line
    Then I started to get worried about why Rosie and Camila hadn't been in my store for long time and I was up to rank 55 then I went to ask you why Rosie and Camila hadn't been to my store on one of your blogs and you rely to me and said maybe go round town to get them to my shop and when I went back to my shop from Exhibition hall and I saw Rosie there she wanted girly trainers and after that I finish her story and the whole game and the group I named is girls power from my favourite girls group spice girls little mix and fifth harmony so I don't know how I manage to get Rosie back to my shop after I finish Yolanda and Alina story

    1. How strange. Maybe the game bugged out with Rosie's story line. Glad to hear that it worked out in the end :)
