Wednesday 6 June 2018

Boutique - Try It On Animations

When selling outfits to customers at your Boutique, you can select an option called 'Try It On' if you believe the customer will be highly impressed with your outfit selection. If the customer is pleased with the outfit you created, a short animation sequence will play showcasing them showing off the outfit. The animation will play every time you select Try It On and the customer is pleased with the outfit, so prepare to see it often.

There is a total of five different animations in the game and each style image does not necessarily have its own unique animation. Some images share the same animation for Try It On. If the customer is holding a bag item (i.e clutch, handbag, tote bag, etc), the arm pose will change. The five animations featured for Try It On and their corresponding style images are listed below.

Animation 1
Appears for Baby-Doll and Girly outfits.

Try It On - Baby-Doll

Try It On - Girly

Animation 2
Appears for Boho-Chic and Eastern outfits. 

Try It On - Boho-Chic

Try It On - Eastern

Animation 3
Appears for Basic, Chic, Feminine & Preppy outfits.

Try It On - Basic

Try It On - Chic

Try It On - Feminine

Try It On - Preppy

Animation 4
Appears for Lively and Psychedelic outfits. 

Try It On - Lively

Try It On - Psychedelic

Animation 5
Appears for Bold, Gothic and Rock outfits.

Try It On - Bold

Try It On - Gothic

Try It On - Rock


  1. I actually like these ones better than in Fashion Forward because you can see the entire outfit head to toe

  2. I love these better than the first style boutique animation (not the first new style boutique) because the animation there is all the same no matter what the style is

  3. Really cute animations but after hours of play I really wish I could skip them!
