This guide will cover frequently asked questions about various aspects of Style Boutique 3 and Style Savvy 4. This FAQ will be updated regularly to include common questions or issues players are experiencing with Style Boutique 3, Girls Mode 4 or Style Savvy 4. There are links included for further information on each question and please refer to the Guide Index for a master list of all the guides available.

Has men's fashion returned in the new game?
Men's fashion has indeed returned and you can now dress up all the male characters in the game. The Menswear Shop unlocks during the main story line and customers will appear here requesting new outfits.

Any tips for selling outfits on the mannequins?
Try using the cycle system! This is a little trick I discovered where if you cycle through a list of different images/styles when creating mannequin outfits, the outfits will sell straight away. More information on the cycle system can be found in the Mannequins Guide.

Do I need to unlock hairstyles?
No, all the hairstyles unlock automatically as you play through the main story line and when you achieve new levels in Stylist Rank. You no longer need to find certain characters to unlock special hairstyles. A list of all the hairstyles available in the game can be found in the Hairstyle Guide.

I want Yolanda's and Angelique's hairstyle! When I can get them?
A common question I get asked is on how to unlock these amazing hairstyles. All hairstyles of the main girl characters such as Angelique, Camilla, etc are unlocked once you complete the main story line of the game.

Important question, do I have to unlock colours?
Thankfully no! You do not need to complete the frustrating task of trying to unlock season and time specific colours in Style Boutique 3. Rainbow is no longer a character and the colours are per-included in the game.

Are make-up sets still available and do I need to unlock them?
Make-up sets no longer need to be unlocked and they are already included in the game. As you play through the main story line of the game and increase your stylist rank, new products will become available at the Beautician. Make-up sets can be purchased from the Beautician and check out the Make-Up Sets Guide for more information.

Why can't I unlock more patterns & designs under the Design feature?
Styling Star only has a small amount of items available for you to design yourself. A number of designer items that featured in Fashion Forward have been removed in Styling Star. The only patterns and designs you can unlock are the amiibo exclusive ones.

Why am I getting a 'not found' message when searching for Owner ID's in Shopdo?
Nintendo has region-locked the online content in Style Boutique 3/Style Savvy 4 and you can only search for/visit Owner ID's that are in the same region as you. For example, if you play Style Boutique, you cannot visit players who play Style Savvy or Girls Mode as they are in a different region. You are limited to players in the same region as you (EUR/AUS for Style Boutique). Please refer to the Shopdo Guide for more information.

Can you please add my Owner ID to the Shopdo database?
Absolutely! Please leave your Owner ID and the game you are playing (Style Boutique, Style Savvy or Girls Mode) in the comments of the Owner ID Database and I will add it to the list.

Where is Streetflow?
The sport themed brand Streetflow has been removed from the game. The items that were previously part of the brand have been separated and moved to other brands such as April Bonbon and Basic U. The sport style has also been removed from the game. Fore more information on Streetflow and other brands where Streetflow's clothing items have been moved to, please refer to the Streetflow Guide.

The items from Streetflow have been moved to other brands such as April Bonbon.

Angelique won't accept any of the black outfits I give her for the dinner outfit request?
This request appears once you complete the main story line and Angelique is quite fussy about the outfit you need to give her. An example of the perfect outfit for this request can be found in the Black Dinner Outfit Request Guide.

Why does the Fashion 101 Guide list hairstyle such as sausage curls or afro, yet they are not available in the game?
The developers basically copied and pasted the Fashion 101 information from Fashion Forward and didn't remove information on content that was no longer available in the game. Many hairstyles were removed from the game but are still listed in the Fashion 101 Guide.

What do the hearts mean on the customer cards?
The more you serve a character or interact with them at other shops, the more hearts you will earn on their customer card. Having hearts with a character allows you to send more message requests to them such as inviting them to the boutique for a new outfit or the hair salon for a new hair cut.

Can I import Style Boutique 3 if live outside Europe or Australia?
Games on the 3DS are region-locked and you must have a PAL Region 3DS to play Style Boutique 3. The game will not play on a NTSC-U Region 3DS (North America and other regions) as it is region-locked to the PAL region (European regions, Australia and New Zealand). Vice versa with Style Savvy not working on a PAL Region 3DS and Girls Mode 4 not working on any 3DS model that is not from the JPN region. 


  1. Hi, lovely blog!

    I have a few questions...

    Can you not make money in the hair saloon? (I thought you could in the last game, but I haven't played it in a while)
    Is this game progressing slower than the last one? (is it just my imagination, I only unlocked the hair saloon today and haven't unlocked makeup yet...)

    Ps: I actualy miss unlocking colors xD and getting miniatures for the dollhouse was always fun (I've never had a dollhouse, so I actually liked having a virtual one).
    pps: sorry for the bad grammar, I'm Portuguese

    1. You don't make money at the hair salon, only increases in stylist rank and customer hearts. The idea behind not earning money is that you are just helping out and giving advice, not actually working. That's what the game hints at.

      I miss unlocking things as well! I liked the challenge. I find the new game doesn't have anything to directly work towards and it's boring not unlocking things. I've finished the main story line and now there's not much to do. I loved decorating rooms, it's so sad they took that out because there's no creativity with designing different themed rooms.

  2. I'm not sure if you noticed but int he previous games, in the winter as long as they were something long sleeved (Coat, top and dresses never base) they costumer would accept the outfit even if the lower part of there body wasn't winter appropriate (I'm guessing it's a glitch of some kind that the never noticed since its in the last two game). Since they game comes out in the USA next week Monday and I've already pre-downloaded it and for what I've heard it as it's on game time starting from the actually date you started playing the game I was just wondering if that same glitch was in this game too.

    1. I don't believe it was a glitch as I was able to give customers an outfit of that description in most of the games. I believe they accept it because in order for an outfit to be appropriate for winter, the arms need to be covered and use closed in shoes. In the new one, customers won't accept outfits in winter that don't cover their arms.

      Yes the game does start from the day you get the game (it did for me) and then the in-game clock starts from there. So I've played a fair amount of hours and my in-game clock is in March or May now.

  3. Hello I'VE just unlocked the VIP booth at the exhibition hall and accidentally skipped the dialogue so I can't figure out what it's for can you please tell me what it is thanks 😊

    1. The VIP Booth stocks all the items available from all the brands that day in one location. So instead of having to go to the separate stores, you can just go to the VIP booth.

      Don't worry, I do that too with skipping dialogue and then I'm just like 'what does this person want again?' haha.

    2. Ahh okay thanks for the help 😊

  4. Hello!! This is my first SS game and I love it/// this is a really cool and helpful site for it too!!

    I have everything figured out basically but I'm really hoping you can dress characters like Johann again because I gave him a pretty ridiculous outfit and I regret it a lot;;;;

    Can I fix my mistake later on? Or am I stuck looking at it as punishment?

    1. Hi! Thanks for visiting :)

      Don't worry, he won't wear it forever. You can send a message to Johann to ask him to come to the Menswear Shop for a new outfit later on the game. And he will also change his outfit himself in the game.

    2. Thank you so much!! ;w;

      Now I can stop worrying about it aaaaaa

    3. Marzipanini, can you message any other character to change their outfit too? Will they accept anything you give them? Can you do this with hairstyles too? Sorry for the many questions ^_^;

    4. To see whether you can message a character or not, open the contacts app and select their name. The option to message them should appear if you have enough hearts with the person. The more hearts you get, the more places you can invite them too, i.e. hair salon. I believe there are a few characters you can't invite like Angelique.

    5. Forgot to answer one of the questions. Yes, they will accept anything you give them and won't give you a specific item request.

    6. Thank you very much! ^_^

  5. Hi, I followed your blog since the last game. Just wanted to tell you that I like your work🙂 what do you think about they left out the sport fashion? Greetings from Mexico🐴

    1. Hi! Thank you for following my blogs :)

      I'm sad that they took out sporty fashion, it was a fun style. The items looked misplaced in other brands most of the time. I just wish they would add in a new brand instead of taking ones out.

  6. Hello!

    Thanks for all the hard work, your blogs are so useful and well written!

    I just wanted to precise that men's fashion do give money, there just isn't the usual check scene. I noticed it gave money when I did a whole day doing only men's fashion and I had gained more than 5 000 lol.

    About this SS, I am honestly mitigated. I like the upgraded graphics, news clothes models and the improved mechanics, the songs are greats too. But the game feels much more empty than its predecessors. Our characters is idols and international singer stylist, how come her shop is always so empty? I've played Trendsetters again and the shop management feels more dynamic, the client flux never stop because you got actually popular thanks to fashion tournaments. Once you finished the story in Styling Stars, I feel like there isn't much more to do except waiting in your shop (and sell red pants) or for side stories. At least in the previous entry you could do fashion tournament/show, modeling... The only way of having guaranteed clients requesting full outfits are by sending text messages to them, but ffs, why they won't come by themselves. I wish there were another way to advertise your shop.
    Also it feels like that you can't specifically target clients types thanks to your interior or clothes you wear. I have played several days in that awful chic preset with a mannequin fully dressed in Enid Chen but still no clients or sell.

    It's been 3 games they've been reusing the same models/animations, they even reuse some lines (blue cosplay skirt)... I wouldn't mind a whole new game with less clothes options but more up to date fashion.

    Imo the perfect Style Savvy would be similar to Fashion Forward without the in real time clock so we wouldn't have to wait one real night to unlock news clothes. FF has such a charming and endearing atmosphere!

    I'm sorry for writing so much, there isn't a lot of Style Savvy community platform so I didn't know where else I could discuss it.

    Thank you for reading and your hard work, keep going!


    1. I totally agree with your points about the game. It does feel empty and once you finish the story, nothing really happens. At least the previous one had some challenge to it with contests and unlocking stuff. With the customers at the boutique, they seem to die off pretty quickly and I find I never have customers most of the time! That was one of the reasons I disliked Trendsetters was because customers rarely appeared. At the moment I'm just working my way to the top stylist rank then I'm going to replay the game as I haven't found much else do it.

      I found that chic outfits sometimes don't sell on the mannequin. You need to change it often otherwise customers seem to forget you even have a mannequin.

      There are so many amazing things the developers could do with the game, but I feel they release a dud with this new game by limiting online content to regions, taking out any challenge and having no activities later in the game.

      Tested it out and yes you do earn money at the Menswear Shop. Thank you for that, I just wish it brought it up as the check animation so you noticed it.

    2. Wait, are you able to earn money from the menswear store in all three versions or just the European one? I don't believe I've had that happen to me.

    3. It will not show up as an amount, it just gets added to your balance. You can check it by noting down the money you have before working there and see if the number changes.

    4. I have tested the menswear shop transactions and they do indeed add to my balance. So it looks like I can earn money from the boutique and the menswear shop. I just wish the menswear shop would give me a notice after I made a sale.

    5. Yes it isn't very obvious is it? You miss it unless you are specifically looking at the amount afterwards. It's one of the flaws of the game.

  7. Have you tried new game+ yet? I'm at stylist rank 80 and I'm finding there's nothing much to do except wait in my shop since it's almost always empty. It's quite frustrating honestly... It also seems like customers stop coming in for outfits, but instead for one-off items.

    1. I haven't started a new game yet as I am working on collecting items in the game. I do agree with the nothing to do thing, I literally run out of customers so quickly! I have maybe 10 a day, I miss the old system from Fashion Forward as I always had customers. Plus they never spend much money, most people want say pants worth $80. And I get so many basic style customers! I know I wanted more varied requests nintendo, but not this haha.

      I'm going to start a new game once I have collected everything which will take a little while.

    2. Yep I totally get you. Its a little tiring when you get so many customers who only want to purchase one item!
      If you ever get around to doing a new game+ could we trouble you to do a blog post about it? I'm curious to know if you get anything new, and what actually carries over from your original game :) thank you thank you.

    3. Customers who want one item seems to be a common thing in this game. I wish they'd at least purchase expensive items.

      I will make a post about new game+ one day. I do know it resets most of your stuff like the Stylist Rank and you replay the main story line. You can keep all your wardrobe like it says.

    4. I have done a new game+ and all it does is rest your stylist ranking, the story lines all of them not just the main ones, and it also resets the hearts you be gained, if you served a customer before though it'll have picture with them wearing the latest thing you bought for them but there hearts will be blank.

    5. I think it will be a while until I do a new game+ as I'm enjoying trying to collect everything. I have noticed though that story lines are repeating themselves now. For example Hafsa who had the story line about getting a job and changing her style to match her workmates style has repeated itself.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Can you unlock new designs for making your own clothes? I still only have the basic ones

    1. The only designs you can unlock are the three stage costumes during the main story line and amiibo designs/emblems if you scan in amiibos.

      Unfortunately Nintendo removed designs and patterns from the new game so the selection is quite limited.

  10. In the Style Index there are crimped and sausage curls, does anyone know how to unlock them?

    1. Unfortunately a few hairstyles from the previous game don't appear in Styling Star. These styles aren't available in the new game, I think they just copied the definitions from Fashion 101 over. You can still get ribbon curls and there are some new ringlets styles.

      All hairstyles available in the game unlock at the end of the main story line.

  11. Will there be a guide on how to style clothes? I have gotten lots of comments such as “...let the outfit speak” and “the colors are so pretty.” I want to know more on how to coordinate clothes.

    1. There may be one in the future, but I'll give you some recommendations here as well.
      - Always give the customer the item or image they ask for if they specify what it is otherwise they'll reject it. If they don't tell you, look at the outfit they are wearing and you can guess the style from the clothes they are wearing if you have knowledge about the brands.
      - Generally most customers just want the same image they are after, but if they ask for a certain item such as brown boots, you can get away with giving them brown boots that fall under a different theme.
      - If you want to get really specific about styling clothes for customers, you can check their contact card and select Details. It will tell you all their favourites aspects about clothing such as pattern, brand and colour.
      - Keep the current season in the game in mind when choosing items. During summer months, customers will not accept items like jackets or long sleeves as they will say it's too warm to wear. In cooler months, you need to use items such as scarfs and tights.
      - Don't mix styles as customers will comment about how there is too much going on and too many styles in the outfit.
      - Most importantly: be creative! My favourite thing about the Style Boutique games is being able to create outfits from a range of styles. Think about what you think looks good and trust your imagination.

    2. This is really helpful. I didn’t know about the customer details. Thank you very much! Is this in your guide?

    3. I haven't written a guide just yet, I will make one in the future for this blog. The information I posted above is pretty much all the basics your need to know about choosing outfits for customers. I mainly just go with my intuition about what I think looks good. Or if it's a chic customer, what costs the most so I can make lots of money with the sale haha.

  12. Does anyone own the purple thick rimmed glasses from April Bon Bon? It's the only pair I don't seem to have and the closest to the ones I own IRl. Is there a specific month or something or am I just unlucky?

    1. They are not month specific so I'd just keep waiting to find it. The items available at each brand change each month and season, so hopefully it will pop up soon for you :)

    2. Okay, so I've been playing the game for over an in-game year but still no purple glasses in sight. Is there a Shopdo that has an outfit including the item?

    3. The only purple glasses available from April Bonbon are the two sets of sunglasses. The thick rimmed ones only come in other colours and no previous games have had purple ones in the thick rimmed ones. I checked the official Japanese guides for Fashion Forward and no purple thick rimmed ones are listed for April Bonbon. So I don't think they will appear in Styling Star as I have all the items from the brand and haven't come across them yet.

  13. Hi, and this blog is amazing!!! I have one question. is there an option to sell back some clothes? There are stuff that cant sell and occupied space. Maybe i miss the option somewhere...
    Thank you.

    1. You can sell clothes back! Select the Manage option whilst at the boutique and then select Stock. Here you can select items to add to the cart to sell. You don't really need to sell stuff back though as there is no limit with the stock space at the boutique. I'd only recommend selling stuff back if you wanted the small amount of money you get back.

      Thank you for visiting my blog :)

  14. Hey just wondering if you can tell me about the hearts on people. I noticed they go from pink to yellow. Is there another color or what?

    1. With the colour change, it just means that you filled up the pink bar and it just switches to a new colour to fill up the next row of hearts. Basically it just means the customer has visited your boutique a lot. I've almost reached the end of a yellow bar so I'm not sure of the next colour yet

  15. Hello! I want to ask a few questions if you don't mind ^_^

    If all mintutures and special furniture are in game from Fashion Forward, for example the Christmas tree and holiday decorations?

    For inviting characters, must their heart meter be at full hearts for them to accept your invitations?

    If invited does the character have a set budget or style, can you dress them what ever you like?

    Can you invite a character over and over at a preferred time without rejection, and does the season matter in accepting outfits, like giving them a coat in summer?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. With the miniatures, yes the Christmas tree and holiday decorations do appear. I have them already so I know they are available from the Lifestyle Shop.

      When sending messages to customers, the number of hearts only affects the types of invitations you can send. The more hearts you have, the more locations you can invite them to. For example, if you only have a few hearts you can only invite them to the boutique but with more you get options for beautician and hair salon. The character will ask for an outfit that you think will suit them. I've always given them the one based off their current style or their favourite style (shown on their contact card). Never tested out giving them a different one, so you could try it and see how it goes. They will have a set budget, i.e. chic ones are usually around the higher price range.

      When sending out invites, most characters will accept them. However there is a slight chance you can get rejected. I've had two rejections so far, no idea why. The time doesn't really matter I've found but season does matter. You still need to give them a season appropriate outfit. They will not accept coats in summer, I've tested that out and they refused to take it.

    3. Thank you for answering! This is new to me so you helped me a lot, thank you again!

  16. For invitations,will the customer accept the same clothes even if you already sold them the same item?
    For example, can I sell the apple princess purple moon outfit and it's color variations multiple times to the same person without them rejecting?

    1. Customers won't accept the same item and will inform you that they already own it. I've had customers reject items even if I hadn't sold it to them for a long time. I've had customers reject colour variations as well (this also occured in previous games) and they will inform you they already own it in the same colour. But this isn't always the case as some customers will accept the item if it's the only item in the outfit they already own. So pretty much you can't sell an entire outfit or one single item (if one item is requested) to a customer if they already have it in my experience. I'd recommend just trying to sell the outfit to another customer with the same style.

    2. That makes sense and thanks for the advice, so helpful!

  17. I wonder why the Fashion 101 has the Afro and braided headband styles but aren't in the game. I feel like this game wasn't completely finished before releasing :(

    1. It also doesn't have the crimped and sausage curls. They just copied and left the index the same as the last game.

    2. I believe the Fashion 101 has those referenced as the developers just copied and pasted most terms from the previous game but failed to notice that they actually aren't in the new game. It's a shame that hairstyles (especially unique ones) were removed in Styling Star.

      Agree 100% about the game not being completely finished. I feel it was a rushed release to get it out on the 3DS before the Switch gained more popularity. Styling Star hasn't been as popular even in Japan as players noted the lack of content and online functions as a disappointment.

  18. Hey love your blog. And I thought I would add some things I have discovered so far. Did you know that in the month of September if you put a Goth outfit on the mannequin and ton of goth customers show up. I'm not sure if is is seasonal, holiday related or month. Something one should figure out. Also after the game play if you switch assistant old storylines pop back up. Also more customers come in at night after storyline is played out. Just thought I would pass these things along, since you have been such a good help to me and all.

    1. Outfits on the mannequin shouldn't be seasonal or anything, I've had no trouble selling gothic outfits all year around. Good job getting all those gothic customers to come though, I wish gothic ones were more common.

      Old story lines will pop back up if you continue playing the game after completing the main story line. I've had them repeat four times now which is annoying. Constantly have to kick them out so I can get other customers.

      Thank you for visiting my blog :) Happy to hear you discovered some little gems in the game as well

  19. Can you change your assistants makeup and hair?

    1. You can only change their outfit. There is no option to change their makeup or hair.

  20. Hey Marzipanini! I love your blog, it’s so useful, but there is one thing I was hoping to ask! I have been really into interior designing my apartment and shop, but how do you unlock new exteriors, wallpapers, etc.? I know you will probably not see this but if you do thank you. :)

    - Greg

    1. Also, my Shopdo ID is 0000231329, I live in North America, and if you could add me to the your ID database I would be so grateful! Thank you so much if you read this!

      - Greg

    2. You can purchase items for decorating your apartment at the Lifestyle Shop. They are listed under the For Apartment tab. I posted a detailed guide on how to purchase items in the Lifestyle Guide which you can find in the Guide Index. I will be posting a guide of all the apartment items soon.

      I've added your Shopdo ID to the database. I always check and reply to comments, so don't worry about if I miss your comment.

  21. Thanks for replying! In your upcoming guide could you also have a guide of all the shop items? Thanks, this is my first Style Savvy/Boutique game and your guide has been a huge help! :)

    1. I make all the guides separately so the shop items ones will be individual guides for each category (i.e. walls, miscellaneous miniatures, lights) just like on my Style Boutique 2 guide blog. I don't have the time to make heaps of guides at once, so I always stagger when guides are released. So it might be a little while until all the item guides are posted as I like to post a range of topics each month. I do have all the items in the game, so I will get to posting guides soon. The apartment items one should be either at the end of this month or early next month.

      Thanks for visiting my blog! Sorry about making you wait for guides, they will come eventually :)

  22. Hi there! Can I ask if you are able to change your facial features once you finish the game? As of now I can only change my eyebrows TvT... Also, is it possible to look exactly like Angelique? I noticed that her eyebrows are a special shape and her eyes as well(the eyelids are higher than normal players and still struggling to find her pupil colors). Thank you!

    1. Yes the option to customise your characters appearance unlocks once you complete the main story line of the game. I have noticed players on Shopdo looking like Angelique and I was confused at first because I was like 'hey that looks just like her!'.

  23. I've noticed the HUGE increase in stock space for this game! Is it possible to have every item from every store in stock at the same time?

    1. There is a huge stock space increase in Styling Star. The game claims you can store all the items but no players have reported yet if it's true or not. There's over 20,000 clothing items to collect, but the amount stated you can have when at the exhibition hall is smaller than that. So it's a bit confusing on whether or not you can hold every single item.

    2. Ohh 20,000 is a lot! Does the stock space not increase after a certain level is reached? I saw players at level 99 but idk how much stock space they have haha

    3. Once you reach a stylist rank later on in the main story line, your assistant will tell you about more space becoming available and how you'll never have to delete/clear stock items ever again.
      I'm on level 99 and the space increase happens much before that. Nothing exciting happens when you reach level 99.

  24. I told Cece to wait while I stocked up, but now she's gone. I'm very scared that I missed the opportunity to unlock the hair salon, and I don't want to reset my save data. Help!

    1. Try clearing out the customers from your boutique by serving them to see if she appears. Sometimes when you ask customers to wait, it takes a little while for them to come back (had this happened to myself). Don't worry, she will come back eventually.

  25. I have someone who asks for a light jacket but the only one I have is from April BonBon. I can't tell what is considered a light jacket.

    1. To find out items that are considered a light jacket, use the search function and select type. If you scroll down, there is an option for light jacket under outers. That will bring them all up and you can just select one from there or buy more if needed.

  26. Hi! Hi! I have a question. This my first SS game and I’m stuck with the dilemma of not being able to find my Shop ID. I’ve been trying to find it so I can edit it more to my liking. I can’t stand it saying no comment when I see it on Shopdo.

    1. When you load up Shopdo, the top screen displays a bunch of stats. Your Shopdo code is listed there just under the globe thing. It's quite tiny so you might have missed it. Check out the Shopdo Guide for more info!

    2. Also if you are looking to edit your ID, you can't edit the actual code. But you can edit the info displayed on your profile card by using the contacts app in your phone and selecting the first icon before the A tab which will bring up your profile.

  27. Hi, is it possible to unlock all the items in the game without having all or none of the amiibos? I've got a few but not all and I'd really like to unlock all of it.

    Also could you make a list of all the available amiibos that are compatible with the game? Thank you!

    1. The only way to obtain items without having certain amiibos would be to find designer items on the Design Centre with amiibo designs. You can't edit the item yourself, but at least you'll have an item with the amiibo print on it.

      I will be making individual posts about all the amiibos and then a big guide. I have some guides listed already on the Guide Index page. But I can list all the compatible amiibos for you here. Note you can use any amiibo that fits into the series (i.e. any Mario one or any character from Animal Crossing)
      Legend Of Zelda
      Animal Crossing
      Special Edition Mario (the 8-bit looking one)
      Any other character not listed (this will unlock a special Style Boutique emblem)

  28. I have a question and I hope someone will anewer it!;3 Sometimes you can choose between two styles for two diffrent Songs.Can I unlock all Songs?When Yes how?3:

    1. Once you complete the main story line, all the songs will become available. So the songs from the styles you did not pick will unlock. You will also get the option to start a new game (which allows you to keep things such as your wardrobe items) and you can choose the different styles if you like.

    2. Thank you so much for your fast answer ♡:3

  29. how do i design items such as hats and tights and different patterns

    1. There is no option to design those items unfortunately. The closest thing would be the headband and tights which are part of the stage costume. But you cannot design those individually and they are a set item in the costume. It seems they removed the tights design feature that was previously in the game. Hats have never been an option.

    2. what about those tiny little top hats like in ur candy cane outfit

    3. That's what I was referring to as headbands. You cannot design those individually, they are part of the costume.

  30. A couple questions I'd like to ask.

    1. I tried looking for a discord server for the game series and I couldn't find one, perchance did one never exist?
    2. I'm an avid fan of the chic image but I noticed that setting up a shop in this theme doesnt get me any customers of that type, especially with the mannequin. Is there something I can do to influence these kinds of customers or is it bait-and-wait?

    1. There is a discord server and you can find a link for it here:
      The game doesn't have set themes for boutique interiors so it can be difficult to attract certain customers. I've only had success attracting the decors style of customers with the gothic and psychedelic styles. The best thing you can do is place clothing miniatures in the room that belong to Enid Chen or ARIANNA. For example, dresses that are miniatures of real items from the brand.

  31. Hey! LOVE your blog :D I have a question about the game. I haven't played it in a while and yesterday when I started playing it again it was still winter and February. I go to sleep in the game and it is still the same day. I tried restarting the game but I haven't deleted my file yet because I want to see what else I can do. I have looked everywhere for a solution to this problem. Please help!

    1. Have you unlocked the feature to skip forward a month (this unlocks when you finish the main story line). I've never heard of this happening and sounds totally weird. You could try updating your 3DS maybe or try sleeping through a few more days.

  32. Ive completed the game but i havent got any new songs. Ive only completed alina's storyline too, so do i need the other girls' storylines fully completed too?

    1. Yes you need to complete all the story lines to unlock all the songs as well as the hairstyles.

  33. In one item request,this girl asked for a chic watch. I checked my stock and the exhibition hall but there was nothing. When does the watches come out or where do i get the chic watches?

    1. Enid Chen has the chic watches and they appear randomly throughout the year. Just keep checking back often to see when they come back in stock. They come in one style and are available in a few colours.

  34. Do you think the customers who come to boutique based on song / furniture in shop ?? Since my assistant said that the customer who come to shop depend on that and I thought they change this system from the trendsetter ??

    1. Yes, but very rarely. I've found if you have a boutique interior that is quite unique like gothic and rock, you get more customers of that style. But usually with a standard looking boutique, you'll get a variety of customers.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Do you know if Mina's (the girl asking for a straw hat or something like that in summer) storyline ever repeats? I think I accidentally messed it up; I chose not to say anything when she was outside the exhibition hall upset she couldn't go on holiday (or something, it's been a while so I've forgotten the details) after I sold her the hat. I figured the game would just railroad me into continuing the storyline, but all that happened was that she left still sad and I still haven't heard any more from her like a month later in-game.

    I'm a bit tempted to do the New Game+ just so I can pick another option and do the storyline properly, but since that would reset the main storyline and everything too you can probably understand why I'm reluctant.

    1. Story lines should repeat themselves and characters definitely should reappear at the boutique if you deny them. You shouldn't worry though because that girl isn't a main story line or anything. She is just your standard NPC who will visit the boutique for items. I've had her visit five times to my boutique so she will show up again.

    2. It's not that I denied her in the shop though, it's that I picked what I think was a wrong dialogue option during a cutscene.

      And yeah, I know she's not main storyline. As a matter of fact, I'd already finished the main storyline by the time she showed up. I just don't want to accidentally miss out on any content, main story or not.

      How long does it usually take for these "mini storylines" to repeat? Might it show up again the next in-game summer or something like that?

    3. I've totally done the same thing with some customers in the game. Not entirely sure when she'll show up, but she will one day. Maybe try having an interior that appeals to girly and feminine customers. Or yes, try waiting until the summer season. I've had her visit five times so she definitely comes to the boutique. Check if she hangs out at the hair salon or beautician so you can to build up hearts with her to invite her to the boutique.

      It's more of a item request than a mini storyline. The mini story lines like Hafsa and Molly repeat all the time which is so frustrating. I barely work at the boutique now because I only get those girls as customers nowadays.

  36. Hi, I just happened to purchase SS3 a couple of weeks ago and have found your guides super helpful! I've been following your walkthrough since then and I noticed some main/side story-lines don't occur at the same time (or they might overlap each other if that makes sense). Is that normal? Also, does the "restock" option kind of slows down the main plot if you keep them waiting for a couple of days? Sorry if it is a stupid question. Thanks!

    1. Yes story lines will occur at different times, it shouldn't be the same for each player. I played the game non-stop so I rushed through it pretty quick triggering a lot of the events. Once you finish the main story line anyway the side story lines will repeat a billion times.

      I never had a problem with it slowing down the plot, you just had to wait one or two days sometimes. But I just worked on other things in the meantime.

  37. I have played Style Boutique 3 for about a year and tested out some hacks because i recently homebrewed my 3DS. The only problem is, the game looks normal, but it always gets stuck in Jo's request in her clothes. How do i fix it?

    1. I don't have experience with homebrewed or hacked consoles/games sorry, so I'm not sure what would fix it. I'm guessing the game has an error in the code and won't let you progress past that point because it's hacked.

  38. Hello, I was wondering if you could help me with something? I'm trying to make the default outfits of the main three girls but I'm having trouble trying to find all of the clothing. I was wondering if you know what necklace Rosie wears, what inner & pants Yolanda wears, and what shoes Alina wears?

    1. Hi! I tried my best to figure out the items from pictures I had from the start of the game. I've listed the items below that I think may be the default items for them, I couldn't figure out the exact shoes Alina wears but it's one of the two listed.

      Rosie = Paisley Neckerchief from Marzipan Sky (Red Tone)
      Alina = Either Disco Ball Flats or Lame Gradient Flats from Retrobeat (Both Purple Tone)
      Yolanda = Striped Sleeveless Shirt Dress from Chorale (Blue/Grey Tone) & Flower Vine from Chorale Tights Brown/Green Tone)

    2. Thank you very much! I'll definitely need to start checking Chorale. But before I forget, after I asked this question I went on Mewtube and since I haven't used You Diva yet, Alina had her default shoes for Fight for Your Style. They're the Beaded Flats from Retrobeat.

      Again, thank you very much, I really really appreciate it.

    3. Ah that makes sense, those shoes look very similar to the ones I thought it was.

      No problem! Yolanda wears Chorale at the start of the game so definitely check there.

  39. how long until you beat the game ? or does it just keep going on

    1. It takes about 42 hours minimum to complete the main story line of the game. After that, you can just do things around the town, i.e. work at the boutique, buy all the items, take photos, update Shopdo, etc. The game isn't very deep after you finish the main story line compared to Fashion Forward and has no challenges. The side NPC quests like Hafasa will repeat over and over again. I literally get no other customers anymore besides those NPC's so I rarely visit my boutique.

  40. Hi there, Marzi! I'm on the NA region center (Style Savvy) and my Owner ID is 0000461527, could I be added to the Shopdo Database please? Thank you!

  41. Hey! I love your blog! You are the only source of information for this game that I've been able to find, so thank you so much for that. I wanted to ask you something: in the contacts in your phone, there's one specific category which is just a star to the far right, do you know what it is or how to add contacts there? Thank you :)

    1. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog and I'm happy it helps you out :) The star on the far right in the contacts app contains players you have favourited on Shopdo. When you are visiting players on Shopdo, you press the star icon to add them to your favourites. Then they will appear in your favourites list in Shopdo and in the star section of the contacts app.

  42. Hi! how do you know that you have collected all the items of a brand

  43. So customers in the hair salon ask for cute, elegant and romantic hair styles, but I have no idea which is which. Can you give me a list?

  44. Hey Marzi! I’m a big fan of your blog. I’ve noticed you have some high quality screenshots. Would it be possible for you to post HQ photos of the moments between Rosie and Camilla that can be read as romantic?

    Such as Camilla’s first appearance where she blushes and says she doesn’t care about Rosie’s problems, or her announcing she will be the president of Rosie’s fanclub, her cheering Rosie on, and her blushing after Rosie compliments her joke?

    I’d appreciate it so much!

  45. Hey! You are the only guide I could find!I have trouble making money because I'm obsessed with the chic style abd spend all the money on that. Do you have any idea on how to get chic customers? They come rarley! And it annoys me because they bring most money!I already changed the shop design and the outfit of my assistant! I always wear the chic styles but I still have no success!

  46. Is there any way to know what season it is in game?

  47. I have a question, I just completed the game, and I wanna try out 'new game+', I just wanna know if I can keep my styling rank? Or does it reset? Thanks :)

  48. Hi! I wanted to ask, does this Style Savvy entry have Bonus Mode where you can go back and change your character’s skin tone and eyes and suck after you finish the game story like in Trendsetters/New Styel Boutique?

    1. Hello! Once you have completed the main game, there will be a menu option on the start-up screen that allows you to change your appearance.

  49. I'm curious if the makeup and hair colors you have or have available after completing the main story are all the colors you will unlock.

    Also was wondering if there is a list somewhere that has the shop songs and what fashions they are for. I can make a pretty good guess having played all the games but sometimes I'm unsure. Thanks

    1. Everything should be available after completing the main storyline as you no longer have to take photos to unlock colours like before. All the make-up items and sets will unlock automatically as you progress through the game.
      I've never actually done a guide on the shop songs! Honestly I play games with the sound turned off so I rarely notice them. You sound like you have a good ear for music types which is awesome.

  50. Hello, I'm having a problem: I'm stuck on the storyline with the customer named Julia, she wants me to pick out a colourful outfit to beat her sister for her school photoshoot but won't allow me to use anything poppy (yk the brand with bonbon) and I've tried every other style but she won't accept any of them, help.

    1. It has been a while since I done this request and I recall getting stuck on it too! So I don't recall exactly what I did but I kind of remember using shoes that were colourful. Sorry I could not be much help as it has been such a long time but try some different colourful items and see what works
